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Cable Construction :-
  • 1.1 kV, 1 cores AL / CU conductor, PVC insulated, unarmoured cables as per IS 1554 Part – 1.
  • Conductor : AL up to 10 Sq. mm conductor are solid Cl.1 as per IS 8130. And above 10 Sq. mm conductor are stranded round or compact Cl. 2 as per IS 8130
  • In CU 4 & 6 Sq. mm conductor are solid Cl.1 or stranded Cl. 2 as per IS 8130. 10 Sq. mm & above stranded round or stranded compact Cl. 2 as per IS 8130
  • Insulation : PVC Type – A as per IS 5831. (Option : PVC Type – C as per IS 5831)
  • Core Color : Red or yellow or blue or black or natural
  • Inner Sheath : PVC / PVC tape as per IS 1554 (P – 1)
  • Outer Sheath : PVC Type ST-1 as per IS 5831 (Option : PVC Type ST – 2 as per IS 5831, FR Type, FRLS Type)
  • Cable Color : Black (Options : Any other color as per requirement)
Cable Design Parameters :-
  • While ordering, in addition to the part number the following details shall also be advised: Conductor Type (Aluminium or Copper) and class of conductor (Cl. 1 or 2). Insulation Type – PVC Type A / C. Sheath Type – PVC Type ST – 1 / FR / FRLS; PVC Type ST – 2 / FR / FRLS.
PartNumberNominal Cross Sectional Area (Sq. mm)Minimum No. of Strands in ConductorNominal Thickness of Insulation (mm)Minimum Thick. of Inner Sheath (mm)Armouring with Flat AL Strip (AYFaY/YFaY)Armouring with Round Wire (AYWaY/YWaY)
ALCUNominal Thick. of Arm. Strip (mm)Minimum Thick. of Out. Sheath(mm)Approx. Overall Dia.(mm)Approx Net Wtof Cable (kg/km)Nominal Diameter of Wire (mm)Minimum Thick. of Out. Sheath (mm)Approx. Overall Dia. (mm)Approx Net Wtof Cable (kg/km)
AL Cable AYFaYCU Cable YFaYAL Cable AYWaYCU Cable YWaY

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